Mrs.Diones' Blog Page

A platform to educate and inform

Program Overview

Quest’s science program fosters an appreciation and love of science within the earliest learner by facilitating opportunities in the curricula for preschool students to make new discoveries in the world around them through hands on explorations. Scaffolding on this foundation, the four-year-old pre kindergarten students participate in general science courses twice a week for thirty minutes. During this time, they continue to make new discoveries and connections in the world around them as they begin to explore patterns and cycles in nature.

The kindergarten through third grade students participate in general science courses twice a week, but during an increased class period of forty five minutes they build on their inquiry skills as they participate in hands on inquiry based lab investigations. Three times a week for forty-five minutes, the fourth and fifth grade students learn to debate ideas, build and systematically test conceptual theories as they learn and apply the process of Socratic questioning while participating in collaborative problem based learning.

Facilitating continuous rigor within the science program, middle school students participate in general science courses four times a week for forty-five minutes. Building on this strong foundation, they explore advances in and utilize technological tools to recognize how it supports new innovations and discoveries within the world. Continuing to integrate the Socratic approach within inquiry and problem based learning, middle school students develop confidence within their communication and collaborative skills while also gaining a deep understanding of and an affinity for science and how it applies to the real world.

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