Mrs.Diones' Blog Page

A platform to educate and inform

Welcome to LS Science


Dear Parents and Guardians,

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express my sheer excitement about working with your child during this school year! This will be my twelfth year in education and I’ve been blessed to work in many different capacities – previously serving as an administrator as well as, a science teacher to both primary and middle school students. I have a B.A. in Elementary Education from Northeastern University and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from National Louis University.

As a middle school science teacher, I had great success in preparing students to develop the confidence within their communication and collaborative skills while also gaining a deep understanding of and an affinity for science and how it applies to the real world. As a result, some of my previous seventh and eighth grade students moved on to win Gold Medals at IJAS city and state competitions. Working with lower school students, I strive to instill the same values while also facilitating them to build on their inquiry skills as they participate in hands on lab investigations to build a greater understanding of scientific concepts.

It is my overall goal is to encourage students to ask questions about the world around them and think outside of the box while instilling a love of learning that will lead to a successful future. In order to do so, I believe that communication between teacher and parents/guardians is vital. I offer options for parents to stay in touch and up to date with what’s going on in my classroom. This includes regular Twitter updates (@LisaDiones) highlighting what we are doing in class and blog updates that will showcase activities and student work.

If at any time you have any questions, comments or inquiries, please feel free to email me at or contact by phone at (847) 202-8035. I will also be more than happy to meet with you during office hours (Monday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 pm).

I’m excited to work with you and your child, and am looking forward to another wonderful year of learning at Quest Academy!


Mrs. Diones

Proud Lower School Science Teacher

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